Category Archives: Book covers

Quentin Tarantino films as Penguin-style book covers!

Hot on the heels of our bestselling albums as books blog post, London designer Sharm Murugiah has re-imagined Quentin Tarantino’s films/screenplays as vintage Penguin-style book covers!



We’d certainly like to add these to our book collection!

If best-selling albums had been books instead…

Graphic designer Christophe Gowans imagines if best-selling albums had been books instead. Check out his redesigns here:

Some of our favourites:

Abbey Road by the Beatles

abbey-e1337269377731Loveless by My Bloody Valentine



The Boy who knew too much by Mika

boyknew-e1336592727755The Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon redesign is awesome too but the photo is too small to upload. Go and check them out yourself!